Privacy Policy and Terms

General Terms 


UpApp services provider’s Terms (Services provider from UpApp LTD)



•These Terms apply to UpApp’s mobile applications, websites and UpApp Products in the United Kingdom. 

•The App(s)/Website(s) Services enable you to request services from UpApp (“UpApp Provided Services”) and from Third Party Providers (“Third Party Services”). Both UpApp Provided Services and Third Party Services are provided or made available as UpApp Products. For more information, please consult this PAGE.

•For UpApp Provided Services, you are contracting directly with UpApp for the provision of these services. For Third Party Services, you are contracting directly with Third Party Providers and UpApp acts as an agent to enable you to request and receive those services.

•These Terms cover your use of UpApp multiple Services provider. For other UpApp Products, you may be required to accept additional terms which govern your use of those services. 

•In order to provide UpApp Services, UpApp UK accepts Bookings as a private hire service provider sole trader or limited companies as a  operator (under the relevant private hire local government rules) for the purposes of private hire service provider  legislation and regulation in the UK if does existed. 

•By agreeing to these Terms, you also agree to comply with our COMMINITY GUIDELINES.

•You can click on the links below to go straight to more information on each area:

◦who we are and how to contact us

◦by using the App(s)/Website(s) Services you accept these terms

◦our UpApp Multiple Services Provider including how a contract is formed and making payment

◦what to do if there is an incident connected to our UpApp Multiple Services Provider

◦other terms that apply to you 

•We keep these Terms updated and we amend them from time to time. Please remember to check these Terms before you use the App(s)/Website(s) Services or use UpApp Products, as the latest set of Terms will apply in each case.



We are UpApp LTD, a private limited liability company established in England and Wales, registered under the company number 15023878 and having its offices at c/o UpApp LTD.

37 Floor,

One Canada Square Building,

Canary Wharf 



E14 5AA 

For more information on how UpApp and its affiliates are regulated, see Section …..


We have given certain words a defined meaning. These are set out below:

“1998 Act” means the Private service sole trader and limited companies rules by HMRC (London) Act 1998 

“1982 Act” means the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982

“1976 Act” means the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976

“2008 Act” means the services provider sole trader and limited companies  Act (Northern Ireland) 2008

(together the “Acts”)

“App(s)/Website(s) Services” means the services provided to you by UpApp, consisting of: (a) access to and use of UpApp’s mobile application(s) and/or website(s) which enable you to request and receive UpApp Provided Services and/or Third Party Services; and/or (b) payment collection and payment processing services (including issuing invoices and receipts on behalf of Third Party Providers) allowing us to charge you and to pay charges into the bank account of UpApp or Third Party Providers, as the case may be, and UpApp may engage affiliates or third parties to provide these payment collection and payment processing services on its behalf.

“Booking” means a booking of UpApp  Multiple Services provider sole trader or limited companies  

“Community Guidelines” mean the guidelines, as updated from time to time, which set out expectations of all users of the App(s)/Website(s) Services. The latest version of the Community Guidelines is available. 

“Legislation” means the Acts and any regulations made pursuant to the Acts, including any related local government regulations pertaining to the operation of services provider sole trader or limited companies

“Third Party Providers” are independent third parties and include, but are not limited to, independent multiple services providers sole trader or limited companies, cleaners, babysitter, gardeners, adult carer, dog walkers or dog keepers, and of other services provider using the UpApp platform.

“Third Party Services” include, but are not limited to, services and goods in the field of services provider sole trader or limited companies at the UpApp Platform, provided to you by independent Third Party Providers. These are made available to you through your use of the App(s)/Website(s) Services.

“UpApp” means UpApp LTD, or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates (“we” or “us”).

“UpApp LTD” shall mean UpApp LTD, a private limited liability company incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 15023878 , whose registered office is at c/o UpApp LTD.

37 Floor,

One Canada Square Building,

Canary Wharf 



E14 5AA

“UpApp” shall mean UpApp LTD, a private limited liability company incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 15023878, whose registered office is at c/o UpApp LTD.

37 Floor,

One Canada Square Building,

Canary Wharf 



E14 5AA

“UpApp”, Marks or Works” means UpApp or its licensor’s company names, logos, products or service names, trademarks, service marks, trade dress, other indicia of ownership, or copyrights.

“UpApp LTD” shall mean UpApp LTD, a private limited liability company incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 15023878, whose registered office is at c/o UpApp LTD.

37 Floor,

One Canada Square Building,

Canary Wharf 



E14 5AA

“UpApp Products” means UpApp Provided Services and Third Party Services, including, but not limited to, UpApp, HelpMeUpApp.

“UpApp Provided Services” include, but are not limited to, provision of services in the field of multiple services providers from sole trader or limited companies (including the UpApp multiple Services providers ), as well as provision of multiple services, cleaners, babysitter, adult carer, gardeners, dog walker, dog keeper, garden keepers and others services listed at UpApp Platform, which will be subject to additional terms between you and us.


1 Overview


1.1 These terms cover your access and use of UpApp’s App(s)/Website(s) Services and your use of UpApp Products (the “Terms”).

1.2 You must read carefully and agree to the Terms prior to accessing and using UpApp’s App(s)/Website(s) Services or UpApp Products. These Terms expressly supersede prior agreements or arrangements about the App(s)/Websites Services (as defined below) and UpApp Products between you and UpApp Platform.

1.3 These Terms apply to the extent they do not conflict with any user and supplemental terms that specifically apply to UpApp’s App(s)/Website(s) Services and UpApp Products. You will be asked to agree to any such terms separately.

1.4 By using UpApp’s App(s)/Website(s) Services, you confirm you accept these Terms. If you do not agree to these Terms, you may not access or use UpApp’s App(s)/Website(s) Services. We recommend that you keep a copy of these terms for future reference.

1.5 If we have to contact you, we will do so by push notification from UpApp’s mobile application, phone call, text message or email, using the details you provided to us on registration for UpApp’s mobile application. When we use the words “writing” or “written” in these terms, this includes emails, texts and push notifications.

1.6 Unless otherwise agreed separately in writing, the App(s)/Website(s) Services and UpApp Products are made available to you for your personal non-commercial use in the United Kingdom only.

2 UpAPp Provided Services

2.1 The specific terms governing UpApp Multiple Provided Services, other than UpApp Services, may be set out in additional terms or a separate agreement. For UpApp Multiple Provided Services, UpApp is the service provider contracting directly with you.

2.2 UpApp  is free to decide to accept or reject a request. Acceptance is communicated to you through UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites and the related terms or agreement will set out when a direct contract forms between you and UpApp.

3 Third Party Multiple Services providers 

3.1 For Third Party Services, UpApp acts as a disclosed agent between you and the Third Party Providers to enable them to provide the Third Party Services to you. UpApp does not provide Third Party Services. All Third Party Providers are independent third party contractors, registered businesses sole trader or limited companies or other legal entities who are not employed by or acting on behalf of us “UpApp Platform”.

3.2 When you are logged in, online and in the service area of a Third Party Provider, you will be given information in UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites about the Third Party Services before you decide to make a request.

3.3 Third Party Providers are free to decide to accept, reject or ignore a request. Acceptance is communicated to you through UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites and will give rise to a direct contract between you and the Third Party Provider (for Third Party Services).

3.4 You may be asked to rate the Third Party Provider whose services you requested. The Third Party Provider may also be able to give you a rating. Although your rating by itself will not make you lose access to UpApp’s App(s)/Website(s) Services, Third Party Providers may see your rating in UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites and this rating may affect whether or not they decide to provide Third Party Services to you.

3.5 The Third Party Provider is responsible for any obligations that may arise from the provision of the Third Party Services.


4 Privacy Notice


4.1 UpApp collects, uses and discloses information from or about you as described in UpApp’s PRIVACY NOTICE. Additional privacy notices may apply, including from third party controllers, for UpApp Provided Services or Third Party Services. We will notify you when such notices apply to you.


5 Charges and Payment


5.1 Charges for UpApp Provided Services and Third Party Services.

5.1.1 If you make a request through UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites, you agree to pay the relevant charges as described in UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites and will be responsible for any charges or fees linked to your account.

5.1.2 Depending on the UpApp Provided Service or Third Party Service used, including, but not limited to, its location, the charges may be displayed on UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites before a request is placed. In other cases, the charges will depend on your use of the Third Party Services or UpApp Provided Services. We may provide an estimate of these charges. Please be aware that the final amount charged to you may be different from the estimate.

5.1.3 You may be charged totally, parcel cor supplementary charges, costs and/or fines, for your use or misuse of UpApp Provided Services and/or Third Party Services (such not cancel between 24 hours before the service start, services requested needs more time as requested to be able to be done exactly as requested, others things  caused by you during the services).

5.1.4 In some cases, if the UpApp Provided Services or the Third Party Services cannot be performed due to your action or inaction (for example, if you are not present on time to the service requested or not providing as should be done), all charges may apply.

5.1.5 Once the UpApp Provided Service or the Third Party Service has been provided, we may issue you with an invoice from UpApp or on behalf of the Third Party Provider, as applicable. The invoice will include VAT, if applicable.

5.2 For more information about charges and supplementary charges, fees, costs and/or fines specific to the relevant UpApp Provided Service or Third Party Service please consult the support section in UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites (such as at HELP).

5.3 The charges may be modified in UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites from time to time.

5.4 The charges do not include tips. Where available, you may pay tips, either in person or through UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites. We will collect tips paid through UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites on your behalf and remit them.

5.5 Unless otherwise agreed, all charges are due immediately upon a request being placed and payment will be facilitated by UpApp using the preferred payment method associated with your account, after which UpApp will send you a receipt by email. If your primary payment method is not able to be charged, UpApp may use a secondary payment method if available. If your payment method(s) are unavailable, we reserve the right to continue to try to take payment.

5.6 Charges are inclusive of applicable taxes including VAT unless specifically stated otherwise.

6 Cancellation

6.1 In some cases, you do not have the right to cancel the request for the UpApp Provided Services and Third Party Services once it has been accepted. However, for certain UpApp Provided Services or Third Party Services, UpApp or the Third Party Service Provider (as appropriate) may allow you to cancel the request, but you may be charged a cancellation fee.

6.2 UpApp may refuse requests and cancel the Third Party Services or UpApp Provided Services if there is reasonable doubt about the correctness or authenticity of the request or about the contact information. In this case too, a cancellation fee may be charged. We may also end any contract in place between you and UpApp Platform.


7 Termination 

7.1 You are free at all times to use the App(s)/Website(s) Services (where and when available) and may terminate these Terms and the App(s)/Website(s) Services by closing your account.

7.2 We may terminate these Terms and your access to the App(s)/Website(s) Services with immediate effect if we conclude that there is a breach by you of these Terms or any other agreement between you and UpApp for the provision of UpApp Products.

7.3 UpApp may, in its sole discretion, terminate these Terms or discontinue the App(s)/Website(s) Services at any time by giving you reasonable advance notice in writing.

7.4 If we cannot charge the relevant charges to your preferred payment method we may suspend or remove your access to the App(s)/Website(s) Services until payment is made.

7.5 You must immediately pay any outstanding charges due to Third Party Providers or UpApp by you upon termination. Any such charges will survive termination and we reserve all rights to collect payment after termination.

8 Your liability and Indemnity

8.1 You are liable for any damage suffered by us as a result of your violation of these Terms, your misuse of the App(s)/Website(s) Services and UpApp Products or your violation of any laws or third party rights. You are liable for all activities conducted through your account unless such activities are not authorised by you and you are not otherwise negligent.

8.2 In order to have access to the App(s)/Websites(s) Services, you agree to indemnify, defend (at our option) and hold us and our respective officers, directors, and employees harmless from and against all claims, liabilities, expenses, damages, penalties, fines, social security contributions and taxes arising out of or related to a breach of these Terms, breach of applicable law or third party claims directly or indirectly related to your use of the Third Party Services and the UpApp Provided Services generally. 

9 Limitation of Liability

9.1 Nothing in these Terms limits or excludes any liability which cannot legally be limited or excluded, including liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence and liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation or alters your rights as a consumer that cannot be excluded under applicable law.

9.2 UpApp, its affiliates, directors, officers, employees, workers, agents and/or subcontractors are not liable under or in relation to these Terms including, but not limited to, liability in contract, tort (including negligence, misrepresentation), breach of statutory duty, restitution or otherwise for any of the following arising out of or in connection with the use of the App(s)/Website(s) Services and/or UpApp Products made available through the App(s)/Website(s) Services: (i) loss of profits; (ii) loss of sales or business; (iii) loss of agreements or contracts; (iv) loss of anticipated savings; (v) loss of use or corruption of software, data or information; (vi) loss of or damage to goodwill and (vii) indirect or consequential loss.

9.3 UpApp, its affiliates, directors, officers, employees, workers, agents and/or subcontractors are not liable for:

9.3.1 in relation to UpApp multiple Services, any Booking that is not accepted or is otherwise cancelled by UpApp.

9.3.2 damages or losses arising from any transaction between you and a Third Party Provider;

9.3.3 the availability and accuracy of the content, products or services of the Third Party Provider; or

9.3.4 delay or failure in performance resulting from causes beyond our reasonable control.

9.4 Our total liability to you, arising out of these Terms or their subject matter, or in connection with the provision to you of the App(s)/Website(s) or UpApp Products, in contract, tort (including negligence, misrepresentation), breach of statutory duty, restitution or otherwise, shall not exceed five hundred pounds sterling (£100), unless otherwise agreed in relation to a specific UpApp Product.

9.5 UpApp, and its affiliate entities, are not liable for business losses. App(s)/Website(s) Services are provided only for private use. If you use App(s)/Website(s) Services for any commercial or business purpose UpApp will have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, loss of revenue, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity (whether or not such loss could be reasonably expected to flow from our negligence or breach of these Terms).

10 General.

10.1 UpApp may change these Terms from time to time. We will inform you of changes within a reasonable time period. You will be bound by such changes upon their notification to you in UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites and/or by email. If you do not agree with these changes, you are free to close your account in accordance with Section 7.1. These Terms were most recently updated as at the outset of this document.

10.2 The invalidity of any provisions in these Terms does not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms. Any such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions shall be deemed deleted.

10.3 We may assign, subcontract or transfer these Terms or any of our rights or obligations in them, in whole or in part, without your prior consent, provided this will not lead to a reduction of the rights you are entitled to by virtue of these Terms or by law. We will tell you if this happens. You may not assign, subcontract or transfer these Terms or any of our rights or obligations, in whole or in part, as your use of the UpApp’s App(s)/Website(s) is personal, unless agreed otherwise.

10.4 These Terms replace all previous agreements relating to your access and use of the App(s)/Website(s) Services. In addition, in the event of any conflict between these Terms and any previous agreements relating to your use of UpApp Multiple Services providers, these Terms shall prevail.

10.5 You may be required to accept additional terms to access or use the App(s)/Website(s) Services and/or UpApp Products. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the separate agreement, the latter will have precedence unless specified otherwise in the separate agreement.

10.6 There are no third party beneficiaries to these Terms except as provided for in these Terms.

11 Dispute Resolution Process

11.1 In the event of a dispute, we would ask you to raise a complaint using the contact details in the “About Us” section above. In the unlikely event that we cannot resolve the dispute, we will work with you to discuss a way forward to resolve the dispute, which may include mediation. UpApp’s right to refer the dispute to a court is expressly reserved. UpApp does not commit to using an online dispute resolution platform to resolve consumer disputes.

12 Governing Law and Jurisdiction 

12.1 These Terms shall be exclusively governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England. If you live in England or Wales you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Services in the English courts. If you live in Scotland you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Services in either the Scottish or the English courts. If you live in Northern Ireland you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Services in either the Northern Irish or the English courts.


13 By accessing and using the App(s)/Website(s) Services you accept these Terms

13.1 By accessing and using the App(s)/Website(s) Services in another country, your access and use may be subject to country-specific terms. You can locate those terms by navigating to this Page  and choosing the country from which you wish to access the Apps(s)/Website(s) Services.

13.2 UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites may be made available to you under various branding depending on the UpApp Product(s) you are accessing or using at the time.

14 Your access to and use of the App(s)/Website(s) Services

14.1 UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites can be downloaded or accessed on most modern mobile devices with an internet connection and equipped with popular operating systems such as Android or iOS.

14.2 You are responsible for obtaining the network access necessary to use the App(s)/Website(s) Services and are responsible for any rates and fees from your mobile network provider, including from data consumption while using UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites. You are also responsible for obtaining compatible devices and operating systems necessary to use the App(s)/Website(s) Services, including any software or hardware updates.

14.3 We provide the App(s)/Website(s) Services “as is” and “as available.” The App(s)/Website(s) Services, or any related digital content, may be subject to limitations, delays, and/or other problems inherent to the use of the internet and electronic communications and are not guaranteed to be available, uninterrupted or error free at all times. UpApp may suspend or withdraw or restrict the availability of all or any part of the App(s)/Website(s) Services for business and operational reasons. UpApp will try to give you reasonable notice of any suspension or withdrawal.

14.4 To use the App(s)/Website(s) Services in the United Kingdom, you must register in UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites and set up an account and you must be eighteen (18) or older. To use the App(s)/Website(s) Services in the United Kingdom you must be eighteen (18) or over. The terms governing specific UpApp Provided Services or Third Party Services may impose different age requirements.

14.5 You must provide us with certain personal information to register and set up your account, including your phone number and email address. To use the App(s)/Website(s) Services, UpApp Provided Services or certain Third Party Services, you may need to provide at least one valid payment method (that is, a credit card, debit card or any other accepted payment method). You may need to provide additional information and documents before using certain UpApp Provided Services or Third Party Services, such as your address.

14.6 You are under no obligation to log in to, or use, UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites. If you choose to stop using UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites you may do so without giving us any notice. You further agree that Third Party Providers are under no obligation to log in to, or use, UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites.

14.7 UpApp may temporarily restrict your access to and use of the App(s)/Website(s) Services if there is a suspected breach of your obligations (see Section ‎15 below) or otherwise of these Terms, including where we receive a complaint in relation to fraud. There may be circumstances in which we are unable to provide you with information about the complaint whilst an investigation is ongoing (by us and/or a third party such as the police).

15 Your Obligations when using the App(s)/Website(s) Services

15.1 When using the App(s)/Website(s) Services, you must comply with all applicable laws. You may only use the App(s)/Website(s) Services for lawful purposes and for the purposes for which they were intended as otherwise referenced in these Terms. You must not misuse UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites or attempt to defraud either us or Third Party Providers. For more information about what is expected from you, please consult ourCOMMUNITY GUIDELINES. 

15.2 You must provide accurate and complete information when you register an account and when using the App(s)/Website(s) Services.

15.3 Your account is personal to you. Your account cannot be licensed or shared unless expressly permitted by UpApp. Once you have set up an account, you:

  • may not register more than one account unless we agree otherwise in writing;
  • may not allow third parties to use your account or transfer your account to a third party;
  • must keep your account information accurate, complete and up-to-date;
  • must keep your login details safe and confidential at all times; and
  • must tell us immediately if you have any reason to believe that someone else knows your username or password or if you suspect that someone else is using your account.

15.4 You will be responsible for paying any fees or charges that may be incurred as a result of the provision of UpApp Multiple Provided Services or Third Party Services requested through your account.

15.5 You must not, in your use of the App(s)/Website(s) Services, cause any nuisance, annoyance, inconvenience, or property damage, whether to the Third Party Provider, UpApp or any other party.

15.6 You will not be charged for using the App(s)/Website(s) Services. However, we reserve the right to introduce a usage charge, in which case you will be informed in writing and given the opportunity to terminate these Terms before any such charge is introduced. If you choose to terminate these Terms, you will no longer be able to access or use the App(s)/Website(s) Services.

15.7 We reserve the right to introduce a fee, and we will inform you, for specific features on UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites, in which case you can decide if you wish to proceed. These may be subject to separate terms, which UpApp will make available to you at the time.

16 What if there’s a problem with my App(s)/Website(s) Services?

16.1 If there is a problem with the App(s)/Website(s) Services, or if you have a complaint, please contact us on the details set out in the “About Us”section above.

17 Do not rely on information made available to you on the App(s)/Website(s) Services.

17.1 Although UpApp makes reasonable efforts to update the information provided through the App(s)/Website(s) Services, UpApp makes no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content on the mobile applications and/or websites is accurate, complete or up to date.

18 Ownership of and rights in the App(s)/Website(s) Services

18.1 UpApp reserves all rights not expressly granted in these Terms. The App(s)/Website(s) Services, UpApp’s devices and all data gathered through UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites (including all intellectual property rights in all of the foregoing) are and remain UpApp’s property or the property of UpApp’s licensors.

18.2 You may not, and may not allow any other party to: (a) license, sublicense, copy, modify, distribute, create, sell, resell, transfer, or lease any part of UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites; (b) reverse engineer or attempt to extract the source code of UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites except as allowed under law; (c) launch or cause to launch any programs or scripts for the purpose of scraping, indexing, surveying, or otherwise data mining any part of UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites or data; (d) use, display, or manipulate any of UpApp Names, Marks, or Works for any purpose other than to use the App(s)/Website(s) Services; (e) create or register any (i) businesses, (ii) URLs, (iii) domain names, (iv) software application names or titles, or (v) social media handles or profiles that include UpApp Names, Marks, or Works or any confusingly or substantially similar mark, name, title, or work; (f) use UpApp Names, Marks, or Works as your social media profile picture or wallpaper; (g) purchase keywords (including, but not limited to Google AdWords) that contain any UpApp Names, Marks, or Works; or (h) apply to register, reference, use, copy, and/or claim ownership in UpApp’s Names, Marks, or Works, or in any confusingly or substantially similar name, mark, title, or work, in any manner for any purposes, alone or in combination with other letters, punctuation, words, symbols, designs, and/or any creative works; except as may be permitted in the limited license granted under Section 18.3 below.

18.3 Subject to your compliance with these Terms, we grant you a personal, worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, non-sublicensable license to install and/or make use of UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites on your device solely for your use and for you to access and use information made available through UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by UpApp and UpApp’s licensors.


19 Service Provider and Private Hire Multiple Services Provider

19.1 For UpApp multiple Services Providers  within the United Kingdom, you will be contracting with the UpApp entity which has accepted your booking as the relevant service  by a sole trader or limited company provider.  

19.1.1 For any service requested commence in England or Wales, UpApp LTD. You will be notified in UpApp’s mobile application and/or website if your booking has been accepted by UpApp LTD. All other bookings in England or Wales will be accepted by UpApp LTD.

19.1.2 For services requested which commence in Scotland, NOT LICENSE YET.

19.1.3 For services requested  which commence in Northern Ireland, NOT LICENSE YET.

(that entity referred to as “UpApp LTD” for the purpose of this agreement).

19.2 You can contact the relevant entity using the contact details in the “About Us” section above.

19.3 Pursuant to the Legislation, a booking request made by you can only be accepted by a person that holds a services from registered sole trade or limited companies.

19.4 In respect of the 1998 Act, UpApp is the holder of the relevant registration as a Platform. In respect of the 1976 Act, UpApp is the holder of the relevant registration at relevant UK Gov Office. 

20.1 A request for a Booking constitutes an offer by you to purchase UpApp Services in accordance with these Terms. This Booking request will set out the main characteristics of the UpApp Services (including service  and total time of the requested). Your offer shall only be accepted when UpApp issues written confirmation of the relevant UpApp Service via text message, email or push notification from UpAppr’s mobile application, at which point and on which date and time a contract forUpApp Services to which the Booking relates shall come into existence (“Contract“). There is no obligation on us to accept a Booking and it may be declined for any reason. If a Service Provider becomes unavailable after we have provided you with written confirmation of the Contract, we will endeavour to find you another service provider for your Booking. Where an alternative service provider cannot be found, we reserve the right to terminate the Contract without compensation to you.

20.2 The Community Guidelines form part of your Contract with UpApp LTD.

20.3 We will inform you of the estimated time of service provider arrival and  time of service must be agreed before completion, but these are estimates only and time shall not be of the essence. If we cannot accept your Booking request, we will inform you of this and will not charge you forUpApp Services. Your Contract will end when the services provider is  ends or as otherwise may be provided for in these Terms.

20.4 The price for the Contract (which will include VAT, if applicable) will be provided to you via UpApp’s mobile applications and/or websites before you place your Booking request. This may include relevant surcharges (extra hours requested or not sufficient hours to end the job requested at firstly) and/or tolls. You may be charged a different amount than the price provided in certain situations, including but not limited to, material changes,,extra time needed. In this situation, the rates that will apply will be available to you via UpApp’s mobile application and/or websites. These may be modified or updated from time to time. It is your responsibility to remain informed about the current rates for the services services. More information can be found HERE.

Additional charges may also apply, for instance if you, or any Contractor, missing important information, not providing important details of the service to be done that could hurt or injure the provider by failing to provide information or omitting it charged for such damage, as well as for a other  fee as more particularly set out in the Community Guidelines.

20.5 Our accepted payment methods are set out on our App. When you make a Booking request, UpApp LTD may need to verify your payment method by issuing a temporary authorisation hold from your bank. For more information, please CLICK HERE.


When UpApp has completed the UpApp Services, if you think a payment is incorrect, please contact us promptly to let us know.

20.6 You can make changes to your Contract through UpApp’s mobile application. It will confirm if the change is not possible.

20.7 UpApp LTD and its affiliates may make changes to its UpApp Services at any time, including to reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements.

20.8 Your right to cancel a Contract depends on when you decide to end the Contract. Please see Section 6 of these Terms for Cancellation of a Contract as well as our CANCELLATION POLICY If UpApp LTD is not at fault, and you do not have a right to change your mind, you can still end your Contract, but you may be charged a cancellation fee in accordance with our cancellation policy. To cancel your Contract, please follow the steps on the UpApp’s mobile application. UpApp LTD will make refunds due to you as soon as possible, where applicable.

20.9 UpApp LTD may end your Contract in certain circumstances, as provided for in these Terms. If UpApp LTD ends the Contract, UpApp LTD will refund any money you have paid in advance but it may deduct or charge you as compensation for the net costs it incurs if you have broken the terms of the Contract.

20.10 UpApp LTD also provides to you certain booking services which include:

20.10.1 Accepting Bookings requested by you (which include Bookings requested in advance by you using the “scheduled services” function in the UpApp app) in accordance with sub-paragraph 3.4 above, but without prejudice to UpApp LTD’s rights at its sole and absolute discretion to decline any such request and/or cancel an accepted Booking;

20.10.2 Keeping records of Bookings;

20.10.3 Remotely monitoring services services booked using the UpApp app;

20.10.4 Receiving and dealing with feedback, questions and complaints from you relating to Bookings accepted by UpApp, which may be made at WWW.HELPMEUPAPP.COM; and

20.10.5 Managing any lost property queries,

(together the “Booking Services”).

21 What if there’s a problem with my UpApp Services

21.1 If there is a problem with UpApp Services, or if you have a complaint, please contact us on the details set out in the “About Us” section above.

21.2 Please note, however, that all private hire service provider are required by law to hold and maintain sole trader or limited company registration in order. If your problem relates to an any incident, please contact us for your service provider’s liability insurance details in order to progress matters. We will not be liable for any matters covered by your provider liability insurance unless and until you have exhausted all potential remedies related to accident. 

21.3 If UpApp LTD, or its affiliate entities, are liable to you in connection with the Booking Services or UpApp Services, its liability, insofar as is permitted by law, will be limited to an amount equal to £100 in aggregate.

21.4 UpApp LTD, and its affiliate entities, are not liable for business losses. UpApp Services are provided  for private and commercial or business purpose UpApp will have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, loss of revenue, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity (whether or not such loss could be reasonably expected to flow from our negligence or breach of these Terms).

21.5 UpApp LTD does not exclude or limit its liability in any way to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, workers, agents or subcontractors; for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation and for breach of your legal rights in relation to the UpApp Services.


Thank you for choosing UpApp.

Starting on 01/02/2024, we have not made  changes to the way we doing business in the UK.


UpApp LTD  Guidelines for Third Party Data Requests and Service of Legal Documents

The following guidelines are intended to inform civil litigants and criminal defendants about the legal process for seeking records from UpApp, Inc. and other existing UpApp entities, including Postmates, LLC. These are guidelines, and this information may change at any time.

These guidelines apply to non-law enforcement requests. For law enforcement requests, please refer to the Guidelines for Law Enforcement Authorities or LAW ENFORCEMENT RESPONSE TEAM PORTAL. 


What is UpApp and what records do we have?

UpApp is a technology company that has developed apps that connect users (service providers sole traders or limited companies  to consumers individual or companies ) with third party multiple services providers, merchants, sole traders or limited companies providing – cleaning – babysitter – windows cleaning – Gardiner – adult carer – dog walkers and dog look-after, house and business keys keeper-  , among other things. More details about our services are available HERE. We store, use, and maintain information as described in our PRIVACY NOITICE and our TERMS OF USE.


Where does UpApp accept service of legal documents?


We generally require that all legal documents (including summons, complaints and subpoenas) be served on our registered agent for service of process. The name and current contact information for the registered agent in each state are available online HERE.

Our registered agent will accept service only if the entity served is properly named (e.g., “UpApp, LTD.”), and our agent is authorized to accept service on behalf of that entity. Our acceptance of legal process does not waive any legal objections we may have and may raise in response.

European Economic Area (EEA), United Kingdom (UK) and Switzerland (CH)

We generally require that all legal documents in the EEA, UK and CH region be directed to “UpApp”, and be served at the following address: c/o UpApp LTD.

37 Floor,

One Canada Square Building,

Canary Wharf 



E14 5AA 

Our acceptance of legal process does not waive any legal objections we may have and may raise in response.

Rest of the World

Outside the U.S., EEA, UK and CH regions, documents intended for “UpApp.” should be served at any of the offices of its registered Company house UK whose addresses are listed HERE  here.

Depending on your country and the nature of your legal document, you may also be required to serve one or more local UpApp subsidiaries that carry on business in your country. In this case, we will usually accept service in accordance with local laws and regulations governing service of legal documents (e.g., rules of civil procedure). If your matter relates to a contract with an UpApp entity, the contract may contain terms relating to notice and/or service of documents, and you should follow those terms.

Our acceptance of legal process does not waive any legal objections we may have and may raise in response.

What legal process does UpApp require before producing data to private parties?

UK, Requests

We generally require a valid subpoena issued in accordance with applicable law before we can process private requests for information. We require non-law enforcement subpoenas to be served through our registered agent for service of process. The name and current contact information for the registered agent in each state are available online HERE here.

Our registered agent will accept service only if the entity to whom the request is directed is named correctly (e.g., “UpApp”), and our agent is authorized to accept service on behalf of that entity. Our acceptance of legal process does not waive any legal objections we may have and may raise in response.

European Economic Area (EEA), United Kingdom (UK) and Switzerland (CH)

All requests originating in the EEA, UK and CH regions should be directed to “UpApp.” We generally require a valid request issued in accordance with applicable law before we can process private requests for information. We require requests to be served by registered mail to the following address: c/o UpApp LTD.

37 Floor,

One Canada Square Building,

Canary Wharf 



E14 5AA

Our acceptance of legal process does not waive any legal objections we may have and may raise in response to the request.

Rest of the World

Outside the U.S. and the EEA, UK and CH regions, all requests for data should be directed to “UpApp LTD.” as data controller, and be served at the following address: c/o UpApp LTD.

37 Floor,

One Canada Square Building,

Canary Wharf 



E14 5AA

We generally require a valid and binding order or directive issued in accordance with applicable law before we can process private requests for information. Our acceptance of legal process does not waive any legal objections we may have and may raise in response.


What form of requests does UpApp require, and how are requests processed?

We review each subpoena or data request for facial and substantive validity, and will assert appropriate objections to requests that are not facially and substantively valid. Among other things, we require requests to be narrowly tailored and not overly broad, vague, or unduly burdensome. Please also be advised that services provider  are not employees of UpApp, but rather independent third-parties. Therefore, we do not verify or provide any employment history or personnel files for these individuals.

Before making a request seeking the information of a user of UpApp’s technology, you should seek the information directly through the user account. For instance, all active services providers can access earnings statements, tax forms, individual trip services provide data, and all contracts via their “Service Provider Portal at the UpApp app”, which can be accessed through the UpApp app or via the UPAPP website. Services provider  and Eater receipts are available in-app and emailed after each service requested is done. All users (including at UpApp listed) also have access to all information through the DOWNLOAD YOUR DATA TOOL. If a service provider person no longer has an active UpApp account, then they may submit a request for the information through HERE.

If all other attempts to obtain the information have failed, the following should be included in your request

  • A sufficiently narrow/defined time period, and the specific data requested within that time period
  • A specific identifying reference such as the email address or phone number associated with a user’s account (i.e., you must uniquely identify a user by more than just a name)
  • Your contact information (i.e., name, email address, and phone number)

When we determine that we are required by law to disclose data, we will search for and disclose data that we are reasonably able to locate and retrieve. We require advance notice of a third party’s intention to seek a production order from a court, in accordance with applicable law.

Note: We will not respond to emergency requests received from non-law enforcement officials. Non-law enforcement officials aware of an emergency situation should immediately and directly contact local law enforcement.


Does UpApp provide a certificate of authentication or expert testimony?

We may provide a certification from our records custodian but are generally not able to provide in-person or expert witness testimony.


UpApp Community Guidelines


Our guidelines were developed to help make every experience with the UpApp mobile application, UpApp website, and/or other UpApp technology interface (“UpApp Platform”) feel safe, respectful, and positive. They apply to everyone who uses UpApp’s Platform, including but not limited to CLEANER, BABYSITTER, GARDENERS, ADULT CARER, DOG WALKER, DOG KEPPER, GARDEN KEPPER,  KEYS MANAGEMENT, and businesses in the United Kingdom. It also includes interactions you may have with UpApp employees and contractors, through online support systems, or over the phone. These guidelines are not contractual terms and we may amend the content of the same at any time.

The Guidelines have the following structure:

  • PART 1 – Purpose
  • PART 2 – Guidelines applicable to all users of the UpApp Platform
  • PART 3 – Additional guidelines
  • PART 4 – Additional guidelines

Thank you for joining us in supporting and safeguarding a welcoming environment.



What is the purpose of these Guidelines?

The guidelines below help explain some of the specific kinds of positive community engagement we expect from users on the UpApp Platform, as well as the behaviours or circumstances which may cause you to lose access to the UpApp Platform. The following guidelines—which we’ll update from time to time—provide the basis for behaviour we expect from all in the UpApp community. Not following any one of our guidelines can constitute a material breach or violation of the terms of your agreement with UpApp and may result in the loss of access to part or all of the UpApp Platform. Please remember to check these guidelines before you use the UpApp Platform.

In some instances, our guidelines apply to conduct outside the UpApp Platform that we become aware of, including but not limited to information from other platforms or local regulators, when such conduct may threaten the safety of the UpApp Platform and its users.

The guidelines that apply to you depend on your use of the UpApp Platform. Please take a moment to carefully read the sections below that are applicable to you.


Guidelines for all of us

Everyone who uses the UpApp Platform is required to follow the general guidelines set out in this Part (Part 2). There are also additional guidelines in Parts 3 below that may be applicable depending on your use of the UpApp Platform. Please make sure you also review these sections, as applicable.

Treat everyone with respect

Our community is remarkably services provider sole trader or limited companies and it’s likely you will encounter people who might not look like you or share your beliefs. Please respect those differences. The guidelines in this section help to foster respectful and positive interactions during every experience.

Treat everyone in the UpApp community as you would like to be treated yourself: with respect. The actions you take while using the UpApp Platform can have a big impact on the safety and comfort of others contractors. Courtesy matters. That’s why you are expected to exercise good judgement and behave decently toward other people when using the UpApp Platform and interacting with others in the UpApp community—just as you would in any public place or at your home.

We believe that everyone should feel supported and welcomed when interfacing with others in the UpApp community. That’s why we’ve created standards and policies on physical contact, sexual assault and misconduct, threatening and rude behaviour, post-experience contact, discrimination, and property damage.

Physical contact

Don’t touch strangers or anyone you just met while using the UpApp Platform to hire your services. Limited exceptions are permitted for people needing or requesting physical assistance (for example, adult carer) or when limited physical contact is unavoidable. Hurting or intending to hurt anyone is never allowed.

Sexual assault and misconduct

We all value our personal space and privacy. It’s okay to chat with other people at the place you providing a service. But please don’t comment on someone’s appearance or ask about their relationship status. Sexual assault and sexual misconduct of any kind is prohibited. Sexual assault and misconduct refers to sexual contact or behaviour without explicit consent of the other person.

Personal space and privacy should be respected. The following list provides examples of inappropriate conduct, but is not exhaustive:

  • Do not ask personal questions (for example, about relationship status or sexual orientation)
  • Do not comment on appearance (for example, derogatory or “complimentary” comments)
  • Do not make explicit comments or gestures (for example, slurs, or graphic or suggestive messages)
  • Do not flirt (for example, nonverbal, suggestive flirting, or being too physically close)
  • Do not display indecent material (for example, sexually suggestive objects or pictures)
  • Do not make unwelcome sexual advances or behave suggestively (even if you may perceive your actions as being harmless), including hugging, kissing, propositioning or inappropriately exposing yourself
  • Do not engage in any unwanted physical conduct including touching, pinching, pushing and grabbing
  • Do not make others feel uncomfortable, including through staring or extended eye contact
  • UpApp has a no-sex rule regardless of whether you know the person or they give you their consent

Threatening and rude behaviour

Aggressive, confrontational, or harassing behaviour is not allowed. Don’t use language, make gestures, or take actions that could be disrespectful, threatening, or inappropriate. For example, don’t share graphic images (such as those that are sexually explicit or depict physical violence) with others in the UpApp community; this includes unsolicited sharing of such images through UpApp’s online support systems or in connection with an UpApp Platform experience. It is also a good idea to stay away from personal topics that can potentially be divisive, like religion and political beliefs.

We don’t tolerate any threatening or rude behaviour, including toward the UpApp Support team or at Greenlight Hubs.

Post-experience contact

Contact should end when the experience associated with the UpApp Platform is complete, unless it’s to return or receive a lost item. Unwanted contact can be seen as harassment and includes, for example, texting, calling, social media contact, visiting, or trying to visit someone in person after a the job is done or has been completed. Do not share any unnecessary contact information.


You should always feel safe, respected and welcome. That’s why we don’t tolerate discriminatory conduct or behaviour, including toward the UpApp Support team. Do not discriminate against someone based on traits such as their age, colour, disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, national origin, appearance, race, religion or belief, political views, sex, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected under relevant law.

For example, it is unacceptable and unlawful to:

  • Refuse to provide services based on characteristics like a person’s age, colour, disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, national origin, appearance, race, religion or belief, political views, sex, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected under relevant law. Applicable laws may require and/or allow the provision of services by and for the benefit of a specific category of persons. In such cases, services as required or allowed by these laws and the relevant applicable terms are permissible under these guidelines.
  • Rate another user—whether  or businesses—based on these traits.
  • Discriminate on the basis of an any contractor or service provider. We understand how important it is to fit service around your life, rather than the other way around. It is not a violation of these guidelines to decline a service because it does not work for you. But intentionally refusing or cancelling requests, or using features on the UpApp Platform to avoid receiving jobs or requests, solely for the purpose of avoiding a particular neighbourhood or client due to the characteristics of the people or businesses that are located in that area, is not allowed.

You can learn more about UpApp’s Non-Discrimination policy.

We also want to help increase access  service options.

Property damage

Damaging property is never allowed. Some examples include damaging any goods or other mode of service requested through the UpApp Platform, breaking or vandalising any goods, damaging a merchant’s premises or otherwise. If you damage property – outside of normal wear and tear – you’re responsible for the cost of cleaning and repair fees.

Help keep one another safe

We’re hard at work every day to help create safer experiences for everyone. Your safety service us. Everyone has a role to play in helping to create a safe environment. That’s why we have standards on account sharing, account holder age, and more.

Account sharing

Account sharing is not allowed, except for service provider who are exercising their right of substitution – see further details HERE. To use the UpApp Platform, you need to register and maintain your own active account. Don’t let another person use your account, and never share your personal information used in connection with your account, including but not limited to username, password, or photos of yourself, with anyone else to access the UpApp Platform.

Service provider are reminded that in accordance with local regulations they must conduct all service themselves or with employees of them without exception.

People under the age of 18

You must be 18 years or older to have an UpApp account in the United Kingdom. That means that you must be at least 18 years old to provide service and must be registered as a Self-employed or Limited company at Companies house. These age limitations apply unless our terms or other policies say otherwise.


Proper maintenance and upkeep

Pursuant to the terms of their agreement with UpApp, services providers are expected to keep their equipments according to industry safety and maintenance standards, and monitoring for and repairing any parts that are recalled by the manufacturer.


Follow the law

We’re committed to following all applicable laws and earning your trust, and we expect everyone who uses the UpApp Platform to do their part and adhere to relevant laws and regulations, as well as airport byelaws, rules and regulations, where applicable.

We have standards based on applicable laws and regulations that everyone must follow. For example, using the UpApp Platform to commit any crime—such as drugs, money laundering, committing drug or human trafficking, or sexually exploiting children—or to violate any other law or regulation is strictly prohibited.

Follow all laws

Everyone is responsible for knowing and obeying all applicable laws, including contractor rules and regulations when at the contract property , and rules of they including complying with their rules.

All relevant licences, permits, and any other legal documents required of the service you provide  must be kept up to date and, where required, provided to UpApp. For example, all service provider are required by law to maintain income records, insurance, and business activity registration. This also includes meeting the applicable regulatory requirements for your business activity in your area.

We review reports of citations that may have happened during a job done, and other reports, including but not limited to those that may indicate poor, unsafe, or distracted work.

Drugs and alcohol

Drug use and open containers of alcohol are never allowed while using the UpApp Platform.


If you’re at the contractor property  or service provider and you have reason to believe voce-versa  may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, ask them to  end the job immediately. Then exit the premises and call your local authorities or emergency services. Once you have left the premises, please also report your experience to UpApp.

Firearms and weapons ban

Contractors our service provider , as well as both, are prohibited from carrying firearms and weapons while using the UpApp Platform, to the extent permitted by applicable law.

You can learn more about our Firearms Prohibition Policy.


Intentionally falsifying information or assuming someone else’s identity, for example when signing in or undergoing a security check, isn’t allowed. It is important to provide accurate information when reporting incidents, creating and accessing your UpApp accounts, disputing charges or fees, and requesting credits. Only request fees, charges or refunds that you’re entitled to, and use offers and promotions only as intended. Don’t knowingly complete invalid transactions.

Fraudulent activity may also include, but not be limited to:

  • deliberately increasing the time  of a job  for fraudulent purposes or otherwise;
  • accepting jobs requests without the intention to complete, including provoking contractors  users to cancel for fraudulent purposes;
  • creating dummy or duplicate accounts for fraudulent purposes;
  • claiming fraudulent fees or charges, like false jobs fees;
  • intentionally requesting, accepting, or completing fraudulent or falsified jobs;
  • claiming to complete a job without ever done;
  • actions intended to disrupt or manipulate the normal functioning of the UpApp Platform, including manipulating the settings on a phone to prevent the proper functioning of the platform and the GPS system, like a starting job and ending job;
  • abusing promotions and/or not using them for their intended purpose;
  • disputing fees or charges for fraudulent or illegitimate reasons;
  • making false claims against another for financial gain (i.e. refunds);
  • allowing another user to access your account in contravention of our account sharing policy; or
  • falsifying documents, records, or other data for fraudulent purposes.

Off-platform cash payments

To enhance the safety of each experience, service provider must ensure they fully comply with their regulatory requirements concerning, which is prohibited for them. Contractors  should also not pay for a job  in cash or request jobs directly from the driver outside of the UpApp Platform.

Other unacceptable activities

Never use UpApp‘s trade mark or intellectual property without permission. If it’s required under local law or you’re otherwise permitted by UpApp to display UpApp-branded items, or an approved partner of UpApp. The use of unauthorised or third-party items—such as lights, placards, signs, or similar items bearing UpApp’s name or trade mark—is prohibited.

App/Website use

When using an UpApp app and/or website you must:

  • use the app, website, and any materials provided on them, in accordance with copyright law and our App/Website Terms.
  • not conduct, facilitate, authorise or permit any text or data mining or web scraping in relation to our app, website or any services provided via, or in relation to, our app and/or website (unless such prohibition is not permitted by applicable law).
  • not knowingly introduce viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material that is malicious or technologically harmful to our app and/or website. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to our app and/or website, the server on which our app and/or website is stored or any server, computer or database connected to our app and/or website. You must not attack our app and/or website via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of service attack.
  • only link to our app and/or website in a way that is fair and legal, does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it and which complies with our App/Website Terms.

For further information on your access to an UpApp app and/or website, please see our App/Website Terms 

Your feedback matters

If something happens, whether it’s good or bad, we make it easy for you to tell us directly in the app or by contacting the UpApp Support team. You can tap Help in the app or visit the website so that our Support team can follow up. In case of an emergency or if you find yourself in immediate danger, alert your local authorities or emergency services before notifying UpApp. Our team is continuously improving our standards, and your feedback is important so that we can take appropriate action and keep our standards relevant as our technology evolves.

You can choose to rate your experience at the end of each job done. Honest feedback helps ensure that everyone is accountable for their behaviour and can improve the experience for other users too. This accountability helps create a respectful, safe and positive environment.


All services provider, and contractors  have the option to give ratings to other users, as well as give feedback on how the job went. This feedback system improves accountability and helps create a respectful, safe, and transparent environment for everyone. Services providers  can see their current rating in the app. Merchants can find their provider rating by signing into UpApp file. Contractors  can see their rating displayed under their name by opening the app and touching the menu.

In circumstances where a contractor’s rating is particularly low, we may contact the contractor, following which we may suspend or terminate the provider or contractor account.

If you’re looking to keep your average rating high, it’s helpful to be courteous and respectful to all people while using the UpApp Platform and interacting with others in the UpApp community. Services providers  using the UpApp Platform typically provide excellent service to their contractor and most services providers are courteous and respectful, so most jobs run smoothly. UpApp may share information that may help you improve your rating from time to time.

Contacting UpApp Support will not lead to an individual rating being removed. We know that sometimes a job doesn’t go well—that’s why your rating is an average rating.

Job or work acceptance

If you’re a services providers and you don’t want to accept a job requests, you can simply decline the request, ignore it, or just go offline or log off. You are not under any obligation to accept a minimum number of jobs. If you’re a merchant, use the Pause New Orders feature or make specific items unavailable. This helps keep the system running smoothly for everyone.

For services providers and merchants, if you consistently decline consecutive jobs or new requests, our technology may assume you do not want to accept more jobs or have forgotten to log out, and you may be temporarily logged out. However, you are free to log back in whenever you wish to begin reviewing any trip requests.


Additional guidelines for contractors

In addition to following all the general guidelines set out in Part 2, contractors who choose to use the UpApp Platform must follow the below.

Contractors  behaviour

Please try to be on time for your service provider, you’ll help ensure that everyone has a pleasant day.

When you requested a job, the account holder is responsible for the behaviour of their entire party. If you request a job for another adult, you’re held responsible for their behaviour during the job.

Cancellation Fee

In circumstances where an account holder has the right to cancel a job request, the account holder may be charged a cancellation fee in accordance with our cancellation policy – 

UpApp may also charge a cancellation fee in circumstances where it refuses requests or cancels certain services owing to UpApp having reasonable doubt about the correctness or authenticity of the request or about the contact information.



Additional guidelines for services providers

In addition to following all the general guidelines set out in Part 2, services providers who choose to use the UpApp platform must follow the below.


Non-account users

All users  share responsibility for achieving safe working conditions. You must take care of your own health and safety and that of others including those who you come into contact with by virtue of your use of the UpApp Platform such as contractors and other users.

While undertaking a job  on the UpApp Platform you must at all times:

  • observe and abide by applicable safety laws, regulations
  • be medically fit to operate
  • follow instructions for the safe use of any equipment that you use
  • not engage in reckless behaviour, including by unsafely, operating a job that is unsafe to do, undertaking  jobs while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or taking action that harms or threatens to harm the safety of others  users or third parties.

You should report any health and safety concerns immediately to the UpApp Support team.

You must cooperate with UpAll on health and safety matters, including the investigation of any incident. All accidents and injuries, however minor, should be reported to the UpApp Support team.

We will ensure that you are given access to training to perform your work competently and safely.

Failure to comply with this policy may be treated as a breach of these guidelines.

Use of dashcams or CCTV that record video and/or audio

Services providers may choose to install and use a dashcam, which can be used to record jobs and provide evidence to UpApp, law enforcement, or insurance companies in the event that something goes wrong. Please note the following:

  • Contractors entering a with a dashcam may be concerned about how the video, their image, or conversations captured by a dashcam will be used. Some licensing authorities do not allow the use of dashcam or CCTV or require, amongst other things, that a contractor  provides consent to being recorded. Please check the status of laws and applicable regulations in the United Kingdom to understand your responsibilities.
  • Services providers may submit recordings to UpApp at their discretion. UpApp may review submitted footage and take all action consistent with these guidelines and platform terms of use.

Sharing or streaming a person’s image or audio or video recording on social media or in other digital or physical public locations is a violation of our guidelines and may prompt further investigation by our safety team.


Provision of information

You have a legal responsibility for ensuring that certain information, including but not limited to. Where there is such a legal requirement on you to provide us with such information, you must provide us with this information in a timely manner and ensure it is accurate and updated regularly.

It’s also important that you provide us with the information that we request about your business and that you let us know about any changes to that information in a timely manner. For example, we need to know if your business changes ownership, if your need certain information from you to comply with banking and payments regulations. If you do not provide us with the information that we need about your business, this could lead to deactivation of your account.


Creating a positive experience for  UpApp users

It’s important for ever users  to treat ever  users with respect. All should be careful to fulfil and include the correct items in their UpApp user’s order. When an UpApp user receives poor job, it can lead to a poor experience.


How UpAp enforces our guidelines

Losing access to the UpApp Platform may be disruptive to your life or to your business. That’s why we believe it is important to have clear standards that explain the circumstances in which you may lose access to the UpApp Platform. If you violate any terms of your contractual agreement with UpApp, or any applicable terms or policies, including any one of these guidelines or any additional policies and standards that are communicated by UpApp to you from time to time, you can lose access to all or part of the UpApp Platform. If you have more than one UpApp account, such as a contractor account and a services providers account, violating these guidelines could also lead you to lose access to all UpApp accounts. If you believe an error caused you to lose access to your account, you may contact the UpApp Support team.

UpApp receives feedback through a variety of channels and reviews reports submitted to our Support team which suggest there may have been a violation of these guidelines. UpApp may investigate through a specialised team, or if necessary, law enforcement agencies. If we are made aware of potentially problematic behaviour, we may contact you so we can look into it.

Losing access to all or part of the UpApp Platform can be due to reported violations of these guidelines and certain actions you may take outside of the UpApp Platform. UpApp may receive information from other platforms and local regulators – if we determine that there are actions in those reports which threaten the safety of the UpApp community, our employees, workers and contractors, or cause harm to UpApp’s brand, reputation, or business then access to the UpApp app can be restricted. And if the issues raised are serious or a repeat report, or you refuse to cooperate, you may lose access to the UpApp Platform. Any behaviour involving violence, sexual misconduct, harassment, fraud, or discrimination, or deceptive, illegal, or unsafe activity while using the UpApp Platform can result in the immediate loss of access to the UpApp Platform. Additionally, when law enforcement is involved, we will cooperate with their investigation in accordance.

We may, at our sole discretion, put a hold on your account or turn your account to ‘inactive’ until our review is complete.

The provision of certain services, including services, on the UpApp Platform is regulated in the United Kingdom. If we determine that your  account is not in compliance with applicable regulatory or legal requirements, we may be required to remove your access to the UpApl Platform.

Lastly,  wanting to use the UpApp Platform may undergo a screening process, including record check and background checks as applicable. For all  will lose access to their UpApp account(s)

Further detail on circumstances which may lead to a deactivation of a users account is available in Part 3 of these guidelines.


UpApp Platform Privacy Notice

I. Introduction / II. Overview / III. Data collections and uses / IV. Choice and transparency / V. Updates to this notice

I. Introduction

When you use UpApp, you trust us with your personal data. We’re committed to keeping that trust. That starts with helping you understand our privacy practices.

This notice describes the personal data (“data”) we collect, how it’s used and shared, and your choices regarding this data. We recommend that you read this along with our privacy overview, which highlights key points about our privacy practices.

II. Overview


A. Scope

This notice applies to users of UpApp’s services anywhere in the world, including users of UpApp’s apps, websites, features, or other services.

III. Data collections and uses


A. The data we collect

UpApp collects data: 

• provided by users to UpApp, such as during account creation

• created during use of our services, such as location, app usage, and device data

• from other sources, such as other users or account owners, business partners, vendors, insurance and financial solution providers, and governmental authorities

For your convenience, we’ve provided a visual summary of the data we collect and how we use it.

UpApp collects the following data:

1. Data provided by users. This includes:

• User profile information: We collect data when users create or update their UpApp accounts, or place orders via guest checkout features. This may include their name, email, phone number, login name and password, address, profile picture, payment or banking information (including related payment verification information), all services providers  ’s license and other government issued documents (which may include identification numbers as well as birth date, gender, and photo). This also includes vehicle or insurance information of persons, emergency contact information, user settings, and evidence of health or fitness to provide services using UpApp apps. 

• Background check information (contractor and services providers): This includes information submitted during the person application process, such as person history or criminal record (where permitted by law), license status, known aliases, prior addresses, and right to work. This information may be collected by an authorized vendor on UpApp’s behalf.

• Identity verification photos: This includes photos of users (such as, selfies) and/or their government issued identifications (such as, all services providers  ’s license or passports). Such photos may be used to verify a user’s identity, such as through facial verification technologies. Please see the section titled “How we use personal data” for more information regarding how user photos are used for safety and security purposes, including identity verification.

• Demographic data: We may collect demographic data about users, such as birth date/age, gender or occupation, when required for certain UpApp services or programs, such as UpApp Cash or safety features that allow women users to set a preference to provide or receive services to/from other women (“Women service  Preference”). We may also collect demographic data, such as age group and household composition, through user surveys, and use this information to offer UpApp products and services that are likely to be of interest to you.

We may also infer demographic data from other data collected from users. For example, we may infer a user’s gender based on their first name to enable safety features, such as the Women contractor Preference, or to display personalized ads for third party products or services. See the section titled “How we use personal data” below for more information.

• User content: We collect the data submitted by users when they contact UpApp customer support (including  via phone chat or video conferencing tools), provide ratings or feedback for other users or otherwise contact UpApp. This may include photographs, or audio or video recordings submitted by users in connection with a customer support request. This also includes metadata relating to the method you use to communicate with UpApp. The contents of photos and recordings submitted by users are subject to UpApp Community Guidelines (except that such guidelines do not apply to users in others countries).

In certain jurisdictions, users can record the audio and/or video of their services  through an in-app feature or using a dashcam or CCTV. In app recordings are encrypted and stored on users’ devices, and are only shared with UpApp if submitted by the users in connection with safety incidents.

• Travel information: We collect travel itinerary information, including times and dates of upcoming services, from users of our feature. We collect such information: (i) when users manually input their information into their UpApp service itinerary; or (2) if authorized by users to access their email account, from travel-related email confirmations. If so authorized, UpApp will only access users’ email accounts to collect service itinerary information to enable the UpApp  feature, and will adhere to the applicable email provider policies, including Google’s API Services User Data Policy, which impose certain limitations on the use of data collected from users’ email accounts. Users may remove UpApp’s access to their email accounts at any time either in-app or through their email service provider settings. Detailed information on how to remove email account access is available.

2. Data created during use of our services. This includes: 

• Location data (contractor and service provider person): We collect precise or approximate location data from service provider and persons’ mobile devices when the UpApp app is running in the foreground (app open and on-screen) or background (app open but not on-screen).

• Location data (all users). We collect precise or approximate location information from both and order recipients’ mobile devices if they enable us to do so via their device settings.

UpApp collects such data from the time a service provider or order is requested until it is finished, and any time the app is running in the foreground (app open and on-screen). See “Choice and transparency” below for information on how both users  and order recipients can enable precise location data of the work.

all users  and order recipients may use the UpApp apps without enabling service of location data from their mobile devices. However, this may affect certain features in the UpApp apps. For example, a contractor who has not enabled precise location data will have to manually enter their work location.

In addition, precise location data collected from a provider’s device during a job is linked to the provider’s account, even if the contractor has not enabled precise location for the job data to be collected from their device. This data is used for purposes such as receipt generation, customer support, fraud detection, insurance, and litigation.

• Transaction information: We collect transaction information related to the use of our services, including the type of services requested or provided; job or work details (such as date and time, requested of job and work off addresses, distance traveled and job ordered); and payment transaction information (such a  name and location, amount charged, and payment method). We also associate a user’s name with that of anyone who uses their promotion code if is any.

• Usage data: We collect data about how users interact with our services. This includes access dates and times, app features or pages viewed, browser type, and app crashes and other system activity.

• Device data: We collect data about the devices used to access our services, including the hardware models, device IP address or other unique device identifiers, operating systems and versions, software, preferred languages, advertising identifiers, device motion data, and mobile network data.

• Communications data: We collect data regarding phone, text or in-app communications between users that are enabled through UpApp’s apps. This includes date and time, as well as the content of text or in-app messages. We may also collect the content of phone calls solely where users are notified in advance that the call may be recorded.

3. Data from other sources. These include:

• users participating in our referral programs. For example, when a user refers another person, we receive the referred person’s data from that user.

• UpApp account owners who request services for or on behalf of other users (such as friends or family members), or who enable other users to request or receive services through their business accounts (such as owners of UpApp accounts).

• users or others providing information in connection with claims or disputes.

• UpApp business partners through which users create or access their UpApp account, such as payment providers, social media services, or apps or websites that use UpApp’s APIs or whose APIs UpApp uses. 

• UpApp business partners in connection with debit or credit cards issued by a financial institution in partnership with UpApp to the extent disclosed in the terms and conditions for the card.

• vendors who help us verify users’ identity, background information, and eligibility to work, or who screen users in connection with sanctions, anti-money laundering, or know-your-customer requirements. 

• insurance,  services providers for a persons.

• partner services providers companies (for all services listed  persons who use our services through an account associated with such a company).

• publicly available sources.

• marketing service providers or data resellers whose data UpApp uses for marketing or research.

• law enforcement officials, public health officials, and other government authorities.

B. How we use personal data

UpApp uses data to enable reliable and convenient multiple services. We also use such data:

• to enhance the safety and security of our users and services

• for customer support  

• for research and development  

• to enable communications between users 

• for marketing and advertising

• to send non-marketing communications to users

• in connection with legal proceedings

For your convenience, we’ve provided a visual summary of the data we collect and how we use it.

We use the data we collect:

1. To provide our services. UpApp uses data to provide, personalize, maintain, and improve our services.

This includes using data to:

• create/update accounts.

• enable all services providers  ation, all services provider’s   and other services/features, such as:

◦ using location data to navigate contractor pick-ups and order drop-offs, calculate ETAs, and track the progress of jobs or all services providers   .

◦ features that involve data sharing, such as sharing all services providers    first name and vehicle information with contractors to facilitate pick-ups, user profile and jobs or works details for ETA sharing and fare splitting, and user ratings and compliments.

◦ match available all services providers   s and all services providers    persons to users requesting services. Users can be matched based on availability, location/proximity, user settings/preferences and other factors such as likelihood to accept a jobs or works based on their past behavior or preferences.

◦ features that facilitate use of our services by those with disabilities.

◦ features that involve account linking, such as linking of email to create UpApp Travel itineraries and linking of rewards programs to enable partnership benefits (such as with Marriott Bonvoy). 

• enable dynamic pricing, in which job prices, or all services providers   fees are determined based on factors such as estimated time and distance, predicted route, estimated traffic, and the current number of users requesting or providing services.

• process payments.

• personalize users’ accounts. For example, we may present order recipients with personalized job or job recommendations based on their prior orders.

• facilitate insurance, vehicle, invoicing, or financing solutions.

• provide users with jobs or works or all services providers   updates, generate receipts, and inform them of changes to our terms, services, or policies.

• perform necessary operations to maintain our services, including to troubleshoot software bugs and operational problems.

UpApp performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary to fulfill the terms of our agreements with users, are compatible with such uses, or on the grounds that they are necessary for purposes of UpApp’s and its users’ legitimate interests.

2. Safety and security. We use data to help maintain the safety, security, and integrity of our services and users. This includes:

• verifying users’ identity and eligibility to provide all services providers  ation or all services providers  , including through reviews of background checks, to help prevent use of our services by unsafe all services providers  s and/or contractors.

In certain regions, this includes UpApp’s Real-Time ID Check feature, which prompts all services providers  s and all services providers   persons to share a selfie before going online to help ensure that the all services providers   or all services providers   person using the app matches the UpApp account we have on file. We may also use this feature for other verification purposes such as verifying change of bank account information or regaining account access.

In addition, we may use facial recognition technology to process user profile photographs, identification photographs, or other user-submitted photographs to prevent identity-borrowing or use of our services by unauthorized all services providers  s or all services providers   people.

We may also use selfies to verify that users are wearing masks, helmets or other safety gear through the use of object verification technology.

In some countries, contractors may be required to verify their identity to use cash and certain other payment methods. In such cases, UpApp allows contractors to provide their ID number and/or a photo of their identification card to complete such verifications. Please see for more information about contractor identity verification.

Similarly, order recipients may be required to provide their age and an image of their government issued identification to verify their eligibility to order and receive alcohol all services providers  . Please see for more information about order recipient identity verification.

• using data from all services providers  s’ or all services providers   persons’ devices to detect unsafe job behavior such as speeding or harsh braking and acceleration, and to inform them of safer job practices. We also use data from all services providers   persons’ devices to verify the type of vehicles they used to provide all services providers  .

• using all services providers   location information, and communications between contractors and all services providers  s, to identify cancellation fees earned or induced through fraud. For example, if we determine that a all services providers   is delaying a contractor pickup in order to induce a cancellation, we will not charge the contractor a cancellation fee and will adjust the amounts paid to the all services providers   to omit such a fee. To object to such an adjustment, please contact UpApp CUSTOMER SUPPORT.

• using device, location, user profile, usage, and other data to prevent, detect, and combat other types of fraud. This includes identifying fraudulent accounts or uses of our services, preventing use of our services by unauthorized all services providers  s or all services providers   persons, verifying user identities in connection with certain payment methods, and preventing and combating unauthorized access to users’ accounts. In some cases, such as when a user is determined to be abusing UpApp’s referral program or has submitted fraudulent documents, such behavior may result in automatic deactivation, or in the European Union or where otherwise required by law, deactivation after human review. To object to such a deactivation, please contact UpApp customer support.

• using user ratings, reported incidents, and other feedback to encourage compliance with our COMMUNITY GUIDELINES and as grounds for deactivating users with low ratings or who otherwise violated such guidelines in certain countries. In the European Union or where otherwise required by law, such deactivation occurs only after human review and/or the possibility to appeal. For more information about how ratings are determined and used, PLEASE CONTACT US for contractor ratings, for all services providers   ratings, and for all services providers   person ratings. To object to such a deactivation, please contact us.

• using all services providers   data (such as past jobs or works information and reported incident rates) and contractor data (such as past jobs or works information, cancellation and reported incident rates, account information, ratings information, and current pick-up and drop-off location) to predict and help avoid pairings of users that may result in increased risk of conflict (for instance, because one user previously gave the other a one-star rating).

• sharing user name, location, phone number, vehicle details and other relevant information with third-party companies that support the management and de-escalation of interpersonal conflicts that may occur between users while on a jobs or works or in the process of making a all services providers  .

UpApp performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary to fulfill the terms of our agreements with users, and/or for purposes of the legitimate safety and security interests of UpApp, our users and members of the general public.

3. Customer support. UpApp uses the information we collect (which may include call recordings) to provide customer support, including to investigate and address user concerns and to monitor and improve our customer support responses and processes.

UpApp performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary to fulfill the terms of our agreements with users or for purposes of UpApp’s legitimate interest in monitoring and improving its customer support services.

4. Research and development. We use data for testing, research, analysis, product development, and machine learning to improve the user experience. This helps us make our services more convenient and easy-to-use, enhance the safety and security of our services, and develop new services and features.

UpApp performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary for purposes of UpApp’s legitimate interests in improving and developing new services and features.

5. Enabling communications between users. For example, a all services providers   may message or call a contractor to confirm a pick-up location, a contractor may call a all services providers   to retrieve a lost item, or a job or all services providers   person may contact an order recipient with information about their order.

UpApp performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary to fulfill the terms of our agreements with users.

6. Marketing and Advertising. UpApp uses data (other than Guest Users’ data) to market its services, and those of UpApp partners. This may include:

• Sending emails, text messages, push notification, and in-app messages or other communications marketing or advertising UpApp products, services, features, offers, promotions, sweepstakes, news and events.

This may include using location, jobs or works and order history, device data and usage data to send marketing communications that are personalized based on users’ observed or inferred interests and characteristics. For example, we may send push notifications suggesting a user’s favorite destinations or merchants, or in-app messages offering discounts or promo for products or merchants similar to those a user has previously ordered. 

• Displaying UpApp advertising on third party apps or websites. This includes using location, jobs or works and order history, device data and usage data, and sharing hashed email addresses and device or user identifiers with advertising partners (such as Facebook and TikTok), to personalize such ads to users’ interests.

• Displaying third party advertising in UpApp’s apps or in connection with our services.

This includes ads for jobs or merchants that are available on UpApp’s apps. These ads (which are identified as “Sponsored Listings” in UpApp’s apps) include recommendations that are personalized based on users’ location and order histories.

This also includes ads for other third party products or services that are personalized based on users’ observed or inferred interests and characteristics, which we determine using data such as approximate location, jobs or works information and history, usage data, demographic data (which may include inferred gender), and device or user identifiers.

This also includes ads that are personalized based on data about the current jobs or works or all services providers   request, including time of request and services requested. For example, if a user requests a jobs or works to a supermarket, we may display in-app ads for third party products that may be available at that supermarket. 

• Measuring the effectiveness of UpApp’s ads, and of third party ads displayed in UpApp’s apps or in connection with our services.

UpApp performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary for purposes of UpApp’s legitimate interests in informing users about UpApp services and features or those offered by UpApp partners. See the sections titled “Choice and transparency” and “Marketing and advertising choices” for information on your choices regarding how UpApp may use your data for marketing and advertising.

7. Non-marketing communications. UpApp may use data to send surveys and other communications that are not for the purpose of marketing the services or products of UpApp or its partners. We may also send users communications regarding elections, ballots, referenda, and other political processes that relate to our services. For example, UpApp has notified some users by email of ballot measures or pending legislation relating to UpApp’s services in those users’ areas.

UpApp performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary to fulfill the terms of our agreements with users, or for purposes of UpApp’s and its users’ legitimate interests in informing users about events that may have an impact on their use of UpApp services.

8. Legal proceedings and requirements. We use data to investigate or address claims or disputes relating to use of UpApp’s services, to satisfy requirements under applicable laws, regulations, or operating licenses or agreements, or pursuant to legal process or governmental request, including from law enforcement.

UpApp performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary for purposes of UpApp’s legitimate interests in investigating and responding to claims and disputes relating to use of UpApp’s services and features, and/or necessary for compliance with applicable legal requirements

D. Data sharing and disclosure

Some of UpApp’s services and features require that we share data with other users or at a user’s request. We may also share such data with our affiliates, subsidiaries, and partners, for legal reasons or in connection with claims or disputes.

UpApp may share data:

1. With other users

This includes sharing:

• contractorss’ first name, rating, and pickup and/or dropoff locations with services providers s.

• contractorss’ first name with other contractorss in a carpool jobs or works. contractorss in carpool jobs or workss may also see the dropoff location of the other contractorss.

• order recipients’ first name, jobs address, and order information with the jobs or merchant and, for order works, with the jobs person. We may also share ratings and feedback, or other information to the extent required by law, with the jobs or merchant and, for order works, the jobs person.

• for services providers s and jobs persons, we may share data with the contractors(s), order recipient(s) and services  or merchants, including name and photo; vehicle make, model, color, license plate, and vehicle photo; location (before and during jobs or works); average rating provided by users; total number of jobs or workss; period of time since they signed up to be a services providers  or jobs person; contact information; and services providers  or jobs person profile, including compliments and other feedback submitted by past users.

We also provide contractorss and order recipients with receipts containing information such as a breakdown of amounts charged, services providers  or jobs person first name, photo, and route map. We also include other information on those receipts if required by law.

• for those who participate in UpApp’s referral program, we share certain data of referred users, such as jobs or works count, with the user who referred them, to the extent relevant to determining the referral bonus.

2. At the user’s request

This includes sharing data with:

• Other people at the user’s request. For example, we share a user’s ETA and location with a friend when requested by that user, or a user’s jobs or works information when they split a fare with a friend.

• UpApp business partners. For example, if a user requests a service through a partnership or promotional offering made by a third party, UpApp may share certain data with those third parties. This may include, for example, other services, platforms, apps, or websites that integrate with our APIs; vehicle suppliers or services; those with an API or service with which we integrate; or services , merchants or other UpApp business partners and their users in connection with promotions, contests, or specialized services.

• Emergency services: We offer features that enable users to share their data with police, fire, and ambulance services in the event of an emergency or after certain incidents. For more information, please see the sections below titled “Choice and Transparency” and “Emergency Data Sharing”.  

3. With the general public

Questions or comments from users submitted through public forums such as UpApp blogs and UpApp social media pages may be viewable by the public, including any data included in the questions or comments submitted by a user.

4. With the UpApp account owner

If a user receives services through an account owned by another party, we may share their jobs or works or order information, including location data, with the owner of that account. This occurs, for example, when:

• a contractors uses their employer’s UpApp for Business profile, such as when they take jobs or workss arranged through UpApp Central.

• a services providers  or jobs person uses an account owned by or associated with an UpApp partner transportation company or jobs.

• a contractors takes a jobs or works or a jobs recipient receives an order arranged by a friend or under a family profile.

• a jobs person acts as a substitute (UK only).

In addition, if a user creates an account using an email address affiliated with an UpApp for Business account owner (i.e., their employer), we may use, and share their profile data (such as name and email address) with such account owner, to help that user expense jobs or workss or orders to that UpApp for Business account. This is applicable in all regions except the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom and Switzerland.

5. With UpApp subsidiaries and affiliates

We share data with our subsidiaries and affiliates to help us provide our services or conduct data processing on our behalf. For example, UpApp processes and stores such data in the United States on behalf of its international subsidiaries and affiliates.

6. With UpApp service providers and business partners

These include:

• payment processors and facilitators

• background check and identity verification providers

• cloud storage providers

• Google, in connection with the use of Google Maps in UpApp’s apps (see Google’s privacy policy for information on their collection and use of data)

• social media companies, including Facebook and TikTok, in connection with UpApp’s use of their tools in UpApp’s apps and websites (see Facebook’s privacy policy and TikTok’s privacy policy for information on their collection and use of data) 

• marketing partners and marketing platform providers, including social media advertising services, advertising networks, third-party data providers, and other service providers to reach or better understand our users and measure advertising effectiveness

This includes advertising intermediaries, such as Google, Criteo and Rokt, that enable UpApp to display and measure the effectiveness of personalized ads for third party products that are displayed in UpApp’s apps. We share data such as advertising or device identifier, hashed email address, approximate location, and current jobs or works or order information, and the intermediaries use this data to provide their services and such other purposes are disclosed in their privacy notices. Users may opt out from ad personalization in the UpApp app and in the UpApp services  app. For more information regarding these intermediaries’ privacy practices, including how to submit requests to them relating to their handling of personal data, please see their privacy notices linked above.

• research partners, including those performing surveys or research projects in partnership with UpApp or on UpApp’s behalf

• vendors that assist UpApp to enhance the safety and security of UpApp apps and services

• consultants, lawyers, accountants, and other professional service providers

• insurance and financing partners

• airports

• providers of bike and scooters that can be rented through UpApp apps, such as Lime

• third-party vehicle suppliers, including fleet and rental partners

7. For legal reasons or in the event of a dispute

UpApp may share users’ data if we believe it’s required by applicable law, regulation, operating license or agreement, legal process or governmental request, or where the disclosure is otherwise appropriate due to safety or similar concerns.

This includes sharing data with law enforcement officials, public health officials, other government authorities, airports (if required by the airport authorities as a condition of operating on airport property), or other third parties as necessary to enforce our Terms of Service, user agreements, or other policies; to protect UpApp’s rights or property or the rights, safety, or property of others; or in the event of a claim or dispute relating to the use of our services. In the event of a dispute relating to use of another person’s credit card, we may be required by law to share your data, including jobs or works or order information, with the owner of that credit card.

For more information, please see UpApp’s Guidelines
This also includes sharing data with others in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, consolidation or restructuring, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by or into another company.

8. With consent

UpApp may share a user’s data other than as described in this notice if we notify the user and they consent to the sharin

E. Data retention and deletion

UpApp retains user data for as long as necessary for the purposes described above, including to provide its services and comply with legal obligations.

UpApp retains user data for as long as necessary for the purposes described above. The period for which we retain user data is determined by the type of data, the category of user to whom the data relates, and the purposes for which we collected the data.

The length for which UpApp retains user data may further be determined by legal and regulatory requirements, purposes of safety, security, and fraud prevention, or by issues relating to the user’s account such as an outstanding credit or an unresolved claim or dispute.

For example, we retain data:

• for the life of users’ accounts if such data is necessary to provide our services. E.g., user profile information and credentials.

• for 7 years if necessary to comply with tax requirements. E.g., services prociders’ and users persons’ jobsor users location information.

• for defined periods as necessary for purposes of safety or fraud prevention. E.g., we retain incomplete services prociders applications for 1 year, and rejected services prociders applications for 7 years.

• after requests for account deletion if necessary for purposes of safety, security, fraud prevention or compliance with legal requirements, or because of issues relating to the user’s account (such as an outstanding credit or an unresolved claim or dispute).

Users may request deletion of their accounts at any time. UpApp may retain user data after a deletion request due to legal or regulatory requirements or for reasons stated in this policy.


Users may request deletion of their account at any time through the Settings > Privacy menus in the UpApp app, or through UpApp’s website (contractors s and order recipients; services prociders and users persons; guest checkout users.

Following an account deletion request, UpApp deletes the user’s account and data, unless they must be retained due to legal or regulatory requirements, for purposes of safety, security, and fraud prevention, or because of an issue relating to the user’s account such as an outstanding credit or an unresolved claim or dispute. Because we are subject to legal and regulatory requirements relating to services prociders and users persons, this generally means that we retain their account and data for the applicable statutory retention period after a deletion request. For contractors s and order recipients, their data is generally deleted within 90 days of a deletion request, except where retention is necessary for the above reasons.

IV. Choice and transparency

UpApp enables users to access and/or control data that UpApp collects, including through: 

• privacy settings

• device permissions

• in-app ratings pages

• marketing choices 

UpApp also enables users to request access to or copies of their data, make changes or updates to their accounts, request deletion of their accounts, or request that UpApp restrict its processing of user data.

A. Privacy settings

The Settings > Privacy menu in the UpApp app allows contractors s and order recipients to set or update their preferences regarding location data collection and sharing, emergency data sharing, and notifications. Our PRIVACY CENTER is also available in web version.

• Location data collection (contractors s and order recipients)

contractors s and order recipients can enable/disable UpApp to collect location data from their mobile devices through their device settings, which can be accessed via the Settings > Privacy > Location menu. 

• Share Live Location (contractors)

contractors s can enable/disable UpApp to share their real-time location data from their mobile devices with their services prociders through their device settings, which can be accessed via the Settings > Privacy > Location menu. 

• Emergency Data Sharing

contractors s may enable UpApp to share real-time location data from their mobile devices with emergency police, fire, and ambulance services. Such data may include approximate location at the time the emergency call was placed; the car’s make, model, color, and license plate information; the contractors ’s name and phone number; pickup and dropoff locations; and the services prociders’s name.

contractors s may enable/disable this feature via the Settings > Privacy > Location menu, or the Safety Center.

services prociders and users persons can also enable/disable Emergency Data Sharing via the App settings > Emergency Data Sharing menu, or the Safety Toolkit.

• Notifications: account and jobsupdates

UpApp provides users with jobsstatus notifications and updates related to activity on their account. These notifications are a necessary part of using the UpApp app and cannot be disabled. However, users may choose the method by which they receive these notifications through the Settings > Privacy menu.

• Notifications: discounts and news

Users may enable UpApp to send push notifications about discounts and news from UpApp. Push notifications may be enabled or disabled through the Settings > Privacy menus in the UpApp app.

• Communications from services  and merchants

While placing an order in the UpApp users app, users may opt-in to share their contact details with certain services  or merchants in order to receive communications from them. Those who opt-in may choose to cease receiving such communications through the Settings > Account > Data Sharing menus in the UpApp users  app.

B. Device permissions

Most mobile device platforms (iOS, Android, etc.) have defined certain types of device data that apps cannot access without the device owner’s permission, and these platforms have different methods for how that permission can be obtained. Please check the available settings on your device or check with your provider.

C. In-app ratings pages

After every jobs, services prociders and contractors s are able to rate each other on a scale from 1 to 5. An average of those ratings is associated with a user’s account and is displayed to other users for whom they provide or receive services. For example, contractors  ratings are available to services providers from whom they request transportation, and services providers ratings are available to their contractors.

This 2-way system holds everyone accountable for their behavior. Accountability helps create a respectful, safe environment for services prociders and contractors s.

contractors s can see their average rating in the main menu of the UpApp app, and also access a breakdown of their average rating in UpApp’s Privacy.

services providers can see their average rating after tapping their profile photo in the UpApp services providers app.  for more information.

users persons may also be rated by order recipients, services  and merchants.

D. Marketing and advertising choices

UpApp provides users with the following choices regarding how their data is used for purposes of marketing and advertising:

• Personalised marketing communications from UpApp: Users may choose whether UpApp may use their data to send personalised communications (such as, emails, push notifications, and in-app messages) about UpApp products and services. Users may also choose whether to receive any marketing emails or push notifications from UpApp.

• UpApp ads: Users may choose whether their data is used and shared with advertising partners to deliver personalized ads about UpApp products and services on third party apps and websites, or to measure the effectiveness of such ads.

• jobs and merchant ads: Users may choose whether UpApp may use their order and search history to display personalized ads for services  or merchants that are available on UpApp users .

• Third party ads: Users may choose whether UpApp may use their data to display ads for third party products or services that are personalized based on users’ observed or inferred interests and characteristics.

• Cookies and related technologies: For information on how to control UpApp’s use of cookies and related technologies, including for purposes of displaying personalized ads, please see our COOKIE NOTICE.

E. User data requests

UpApp provides users with a variety of ways to learn about, control, and submit questions and comments about UpApp’s handling of their data.

• Accessing data: Users can access data including their profile data and jobsor order history through the UpApp apps or via UpApp’s website. Users can also use our feature to view an online summary of information about their account, such as number of jobsor orders, rating, rewards status, and number of days since they’ve been an UpApp user. Users can also request access to their data (contractors s and order recipients; services providers and users persons.

• Data portability: Users can request a copy of their data using our tool. For an overview of the data available through that tool, please  Users may also request a copy of their data (contractors s and order recipients HERE; services providers and users persons.

• Changing or updating data: Users can edit the name, phone number, email address, payment method, and photo associated with their account through the Settings menu in UpApp’s apps or services prociders portal. Users may also request to update or correct their data (contractors s and order recipients   ; services prociders and users persons).

• Deleting data: Users may request deletion of their account at any time through UpApp’s Privacy Center, or in the Settings > Privacy menus in the UpApp app.

• Objections, restrictions, and complaints: Users may request that we stop using all or some of their data, or that we limit our use of their data (contractors s and order recipients HERE; services providers and users persons. This includes objecting to our use of data that is based on UpApp’s legitimate interests. UpApp may continue to process data after such objection or request to the extent required or permitted by law.

In addition, depending on their location, Users may have the right to file a complaint relating to UpApp’s handling of their data with the data protection authority in their country. For example, users in the European Union and South America may submit such requests to the data protection authorities in the country in which they live.

• Appeal: Users that reside in the U.S. may request a review of our decision in the event UpApp cannot meet or denies a User’s data request. Users may request an appeal of our decision 

V. Updates to this notice

We may occasionally update this notice.

We may occasionally update this notice. If we make significant changes, we will notify users in advance of the changes through the UpApp apps or through other means, such as email. We encourage users to periodically review this notice for the latest information on our privacy practices.

Use of our services after an update constitutes consent to the updated notice to the extent permitted by law


Help Me Up App or UpApp Copyright Policy

Notification of Copyright Infringement
Help Me Up App, Inc. (“UpApp”) respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects its users to do the same.
It is UpApp’s policy, in appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, to disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who repeatedly infringe or are repeatedly charged with infringing the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of others.

In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 and in recognition of various international copyright laws, UpApp will respond expeditiously to notices sent to UpApp’s Designated Copyright Agent (identified below) regarding alleged third-party copyright infringements on the,,,,  website or other UpApp-owned and publicly accessible digital properties (the “Site(s)”).
A copyright owner, person authorized to act on behalf of one, or person authorized to act under any exclusive right under copyright may submit allegations of copyright infringements on the Site(s) by completing the following DMCA Notice of Alleged Infringement and delivering it to UpApp’s Designated Copyright Agent. Upon receipt of this Notice, UpApp will expeditiously remove or block access to the allegedly infringing content, notify the alleged third-party infringer of the same, and provide the third-party an opportunity to submit a counter-notice to dispute the alleged infringement. If a counter-notice is submitted, UpApp will promptly forward it to the complainant and restore the removed or blocked content within 10-14 business days, unless the complainant submits evidence that it has filed a lawsuit against the alleged third-party infringer regarding the allegedly infringing content.

DMCA Notice of Alleged Infringement (“Notice”)
1. Identify the copyrighted work that has been infringed, or – if multiple copyrighted works are covered by this Notice – provide a representative list of the copyrighted works that have been infringed.
2. Identify the infringing content and provide sufficient information for UpApp to locate the infringing content, including, if applicable, the URL(s) of the Site(s) where the content may be found.
3. Provide contact information, e.g., mailing address, telephone number, and email address, of the person submitting this DMCA Notice (e.g., the copyright owner or copyright owner’s agent).
4. Include both of the following statements in the body of the Notice:
* “I hereby state that I have a good faith belief that the disputed use of the copyrighted material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law (e.g., as a fair use).”
* “I hereby state that the information in this Notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that I am the owner, or authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of the copyright or of an exclusive right under the copyright that is allegedly infringed.”
5. Provide the full legal name and an electronic or physical signature of the person submitting this Notice (e.g., the copyright owner or copyright owner’s agent).
6. Deliver this Notice, with all items completed, to UpApp’s Designated Copyright Agent:
Copyright Agent
c/o UpApp LTD.
37 Floor,
One Canada Square Building,
Canary Wharf 
E14 5AA
takedowns [at] UpApp [dot] com
IMPORTANT: Communications unrelated to copyright use or infringement will be discarded. Please follow this  for UpApp’s Guidelines for Third Party Data Requests and Service of Legal Documents